Caitlin/Megan News

Your first look at Unleashed (coming in October), plus a new free read you can have right now!

September 5, 2018

“She expected him to be strong. For his hand to be warm and to envelop hers the way it did. But the contact jolted through her like a flash of lightning, and she had to bite back the involuntary little noise she made.”

Enjoy the excerpt of Unleashed, Book 1 in Caitlin’s super-hot, brand-new Hotel Temptation series. Get ready for October — Unleashed releases in ebook on Oct. 1 and print on Oct. 4. Pre-order your copy today!

For you right now: Unruly is a free read from Caitlin. Harlequin will be putting up a new chapter each day — 20 in all. Check out a short excerpt here on (no account required) and read it online (free Harlequin account required). Enjoy!

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