Caitlin/Megan News

A Bold Excerpt… Get Ready for Bold Fortune

December 14, 2021

A pink-clad professor, a really long flight, and the question: “Am I in Hopeless?” It’s a brand new, EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT from Bold Fortune, book 1 in Megan’s wild new series, the Fortunes of Lost Lake, releasing under the byline: M. M. Crane.

Bold Fortune will be available in ebook, print, and audiobook and will be released on various dates, depending on where you live and how you like to read:

In the U.S.: paperback & ebook on Dec. 28; audiobook on Jan. 25.
In the UK: ebook on Dec. 28; print on Dec. 30; audiobook on Jan. 25.

Pre-order your copy today!

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