Aug 1, 2014 · Mills & Boon · isbn: 978-0373430383

United Kingdom

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Scandalise Me

(English (UK) edition of Scandalize Me)
Book 1 of the Fifth Avenue/Forbidden

Hunter Talbot Grant III, sports figure du jour, wealthy beyond measure and disreputable by choice, has cultivated a reputation that masks the shadows of his past. When the opportunity to ensure financial destruction for Jason Treffen arises, he can’t refuse. But first he must shake off the woman sent to tame him!

Zoe Brook, PR agent extraordinaire, never fails to transform a tarnished star. And Hunter’s no different. Except there’s a catch. Beneath their scorching mutual attraction, Zoe has a secret–she’s also been on the wrong side of Jason Treffen, and she has as much of a taste for revenge as Hunter does!

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