I don’t understand the family in Once More with Feeling. Who would act like that?
One of the things I wanted to explore in Once More With Feeling was this notion we all have that, if called, we’d be heroes. We’d race into the burning building, we’d jump in front of the bullet, we’d save the child. And what I love about this world is that when the big things come at us, yes, I believe we do the right thing more often than not.
But it’s the small things that trip us up. The everyday opportunities to stand up for each other and do the right thing no matter if it’s hard or if it makes people uncomfortable or if doing it makes our lives a little less easy than they would be if we did nothing. In my experience, most people go to great lengths to avoid conflict and tend to get angry at the person who refuses to go along with that, not necessarily the person who caused the conflict in the first place.
I completely understand if Sarah’s family upset you. They were supposed to upset you. They upset me, too.