Violet Parrish

Story Told: Bold Fortune
Book 1 in the Fortunes of Lost Lake Series

Violet is sure that she has what it takes to rescue her reputation–and job–from the machinations of an evil ex who was shining her on from the start .

Even brave the Alaskan Interior.

In January.

All she has to do is convince an infamously grumpy mountain man to do what she thinks he should. And when he suggests she test herself against the weather, she’s sure she can do that, too. It’s only weather–even if, it being Alaska, it’s a lot.

And yet the longer she stays in the coldest winter she’s ever experienced, the more she finds herself drawn to the heat only he seems to generate…

Likes: Pink, pink, and more pink, thank you!

Dislikes: Things that defy her research, like Quinn Fortune...

Connected Characters: Quinn Fortune

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