Caitlin/Megan News

The Comeback Cowboy is Here!

April 25, 2023

The Comeback Cowboy, book 4 in the Jasper Creek series, features Caitlin’s novella, The One with the Locket, the story of flashy attorney Violet Cook and laid-back US Marshall Lincoln Traeger as they spit flames at each other while working to restore a summer camp for at-risk youth.

Each of the four Camp Phoenix alumnae gets her own novella in this anthology, also written by Maisey Yates, Nicole Helm, and Jackie Ashenden. The women went their separate ways after their camping days, but they’ve been called back to get the place ready for a new crop of kids. Now successful adults, the four women pledge to restore the grounds to their former glory, if long-standing rivalries and old flames don’t get in the way first…

ORDER your copy, read the excerpt, and hear what Caitlin listened to while writing the story. 

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