Caitlin/Megan News

Kidnapped by the Viking — Exclusive Excerpt

April 20, 2021

Travel back to medieval times in this EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT from Caitlin’s thilling new novel, Kidnapped by the Viking. Here’s a peek:

“There was only this man and the woods, the song of the wolves, and a reckoning here in the coming cold night whether she wanted it or did not.”

Kidnapped by the Viking will be released on various dates, depending on where you live and how you like to read:

In the U.S.: paperback on April 27; ebook on on May 1.
In the UK: ebook and print on April 29.

Pre-order your copy today!

Want more Vikings or Kidnapped Heroines? Caitlin/Megan has many more to choose from while you wait.

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