Caitlin/Megan News

A Comeback Excerpt

April 11, 2023

The Comeback Cowboy is a satisfyingly spicy collaboration of four authors: Caitlin, Maisey Yates, Nicole Helm, and Jackie Ashenden, with each author penning one of the intertwined stories of four Camp Phoenix alumnae who work together to save the camp that saved them when they were young, and maybe even find love in the process…

Read the EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT from Caitlin’s novella, The One with the Locket, where attorney Violet Cook butts heads with US Marshall Lincoln Traeger. They both attended the summer camp for at-risk youth and he cannot, for the life of him, remember her—but she definitely remembers him.

The book releases on April 25 in both ebook and print, and once again features illustrations by Megan/Caitlin’s favorite artist, Jeff Johnson. Go ahead and pre-order your copy today! And if you prefer print, you can get yours signed by ordering through Caitlin’s favorite local bookstore, Rebel Heart Books.

If you have not yet read the first three books in the Jasper Creek series, check them out!

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