Go Deeper into the Cold River Ranch Series

In the central Rocky Mountains of Colorado, some miles and whole worlds away from the tony ski slopes of Aspen and the glittering city life of Denver, lies Cold River Ranch. Three generations of the Everett family poured their lives into the land, running Angus cattle on over four hundred acres of prime real estate outside the small, western town of Cold River in the remote and scenic Longhorn Valley.

When Amos Everett dies unexpectedly, he throws everything into chaos—a state of affairs that likely would have pleased him. A gruff and unforgiving man at the best of times, Amos managed to alienate all three of his sons after he ran their mama off for good when the boys were still young.

Some wounds never heal, especially in families. And some grudges run as long and deep as the stretch of the Colorado Rockies…

That’s why, by unspoken agreement, Amos’s grown sons have had as little to do with their father—and each other—as possible since they grew up and got out from under the old man’s thumb.

Brought back together at their father’s funeral, Amos’s three sons have a lot of decisions to make. The bank is circling and rich, fat cat investors want to develop the land into condos for Colorado’s ever-voracious seasonal tourists.

The Everetts have one gorgeous year in the Rocky Mountains to come together as a family and save their heritage once and for all—or lose the ranch, and each other, forever.

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